Camp Imua

June 27, 2025 - June 29, 2025

Camp Imua is designed to reach the keiki of Hawai`i, whose parent or parents

are incarcerated here in Hawai`i or elsewhere.

The heart of Camp Imua is "Agape" which means "God's unconditional love."

Camp Imua is a FREE 3-day camp that's designed for Hawai`i keiki

who have been affected by incarceration.  

Keiki from the ages of 7 through 17 are invited to join Camp Imua.  

Each year, committed  mentors and volunteers create a nurturing  place for our "angels" 

as they are taught about the goodness of God.  

Through meaningful activities and events that facilitate sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and

His teachings, the angels learn about trust, love and forgiveness along with hope and prayer.  

We become witnesses as we watch God move in the lives of the angels as they begin their process

of healing while they develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

It is our heart to help the angels break the cycle of incarceration by guiding and teaching them that they are special and that they are loved.  Camp Imua helps to instill faith and hope so that they can learn

to be productive and contrbuting members of our community.