S U N D A Y    S E R V I C E S




In Person & Online

  • "Teacher, Which Is The Great Commandment In The Law?"

    Kahu Lance Hamacon

    February 23, 2025

    Mathew 22:35 says; Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? 

    Verse 37: says, Jesus said to him, “You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all

    your soul, with all your mind. Then verse 38 states, “This is the first and great commandment. 

    Verse 39 reads, “and the second is like it: “You shall Love your neighbor as yourself. And then in verse 40, it reads, “On these two commandments hang all Law and the Prophets”. My heart’s desire is to drill down, into these two powerful scriptures. and reveal its daily application in our lives. 

    May the Peace of God be with you!

  • "Finishing Well"

    Guest Speaker: Pastor Alex Pacheco

    March 2, 2025

    I want you to imagine all of us gathered at the starting line of a marathon and the gun goes off and

    all together we take off in a sprint. You’re going as fast as you can. Life is good. You’re with your friends. You’re off in this race but at some point you’re going to get tired, exhausted your legs are going to feel like lead and your side’s going to hurt and you’re going to notice that some people have already

    dropped out of the race and now you're faced with the decision, 

    will you go on and will you finish?

  •               “The Parable Of The Wheat And The Tares”

                                                     Kahu Charlie Kama

                                                         March 9, 2025

    Jesus said, “Surely the kingdom of God has come upon you” If this is true, that Jesus’ kingdom

    began on earth, then why does it seem that evil has such a powerful sway over the hearts and

    lives of so many people, and why are sin and wickedness so prevalent? Jesus’ parable of the

    Wheat and the Tares answers this question for us.

  • “The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast”

    Kahu Charlie Kama

    March 19, 2025

    In this Parable of the Mustard Seed and the leaven, Jesus came preaching,

     “The Kingdom of God is at hand” The disciples expected people would be flocking

    to them saying,  “Bring us to God,” but instead of them flocking to Jesus, many were

    rejecting Him. It's through these parables that Jesus explains why the kingdom seems

    so small and insignificant.

  • “The Parable Of The Treasure And The Pearl”

    Kahu Charlie Kama

    March 23, 2025

    The parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl shares a common purpose that teaches

    us  the precious, immeasurable value of the Kingdom. Both parables begin with an object of

    huge wealth, a treasure, or a costly pearl. But its full value is unseen or unknown until

    someone discovers it. Then he goes and sells all he has, to inherit the kingdom.  

    We're going to learn of the value of  God’s kingdom.

  • “The Tragedy of Rejection and Unbelief”

    Kahu Charlie Kama

    March 30, 2025

    As we discovered in the parables Jesus spoke in Matthew 13, we see Him leaning towards the

    spiritual condition of the people’s hearts. Everyone has their own beliefs or opinions, whether to

    trust and believe in Jesus, or to reject Him through unbelief. We’re going to learn the danger

    we’d face through the rejection and unbelief in Jesus by His own people in His hometown.

  • Guest Speaker: Kim Kahawaiola`a

    April 6, 2025

  • Kahu Kathy Pung

    April 13, 2025